Thursday 15 September 2011

Why Norwich?

Weeks before our departure, everyone asked us: why Norwich? Well, it could be a difficult question to answer, actually is not.

I do not believe in fate, but I do believe that everything happens for a reason. That reason is usually an action that ran in the past and, wanted it or not, leads us to that future. Well, a simple reference to the law of cause and effect we all know.

Everything we have done in the past affects our present. Things like the completion of our studies, our knowledge of English and, why not to say, the Spanish crisis, helped greatly to make the decision to leave Spain for further studies. In my case a Master Science, in the case of Irene a title that recognizes her English. But, why take the next step of our life towards to Norwich?

Well, Norwich is an English town in the county of Norfolk, northeast from London. The urban area has 259,100 inhabitants, although in the heart of the city it only has 135,800 inhabitants. These data make Norwich a big city but without being massive.

Even with this population, Norwich is a city quite extensive and can be divided into three parts. The first is within the first ring road. This part contains the entire city centre. Restaurants, entertainment, supermarkets, history, monuments, virtually everything is in this ring. The second ring covers a residential area. It is characterized by large estates (so typical in England), some commercial areas and parks of several sizes. The third and final ring contains large residential areas, huge parks, the University of East Anglia, Norwich Hospital and much much more.

Meandering the three zones cross the Wensum river. Which only leaves behind great views and spectacular moments. Through the Norwich Riverside Walk, you can go over 2.5Km admiring the landscape.

The city has an amazing history.Until the 17th century, Norwich was the second largest city in England. Today,the city still retains certain monuments with great empathy:
- Norwich Cathedral, constructed in the 11th century.
- Norwich Castle, built in the 12th century.
- Norwich City Wall, going over 4km around the city, built in the 14th century.

In addition, Norwich is considered one of the top 10 cities in England to go shopping. In this way, you can go to Norwich Market, Norwich Castle Mall,Chapelfield Mall or venture into the downtown area streets.

Norwich also has a great variety of cultural facilities: several cinemas, museums, theaters, the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the Norwich University College of Arts (NUCA) create a cultural environment for all the people who wants to cultivate theirself. Besides having a football team (Norwich City) in the Premier League, nicknamed, by the way, The Canaries.

At this point I think that you have understood what kind of city Norwich is but we still do not tell, why Norwich. Well, the truth is that we have no idea. Perhaps his charm, perhaps the University, perhaps the weather, who cares. Now we only care about the present and not the reason of our choice.

I hope this post never left a bad taste, I just wanted you to know a little more about the city where we live. Norwich was not chosen, a set of actions have brought us here. Now we only are focused to enjoy it and tell you our experience.

For anyone who really keep interest in Norwich, here are some links really important to know this city:

- --> Essential web to visit Norwich
- --> Nightlife in Norwich
- --> Norwich University Collegue of Arts website
- --> University of East Anglia website
- --> A good website to know Norwich
- --> Norwich Cathedral website
- --> Essential web to visit Norfolk
- --> Norfolk museums website

Saturday 10 September 2011

Hi everyone!

During the flight to Norwich, nothing made us happier than finding a name for the blog that we would create. A blog that would deal with the life in an unknown city. A brand new experience:
- Studying abroad.
- Working abroad.
- Living abroad.
- Living together.

For a few hours our minds were working a thousand miles per hour to sort out the problem. Finding a name with certain features is not easy and the acceptance among the candidates even less.

It had to be a name that alludes to the city, an internacional, dynamic and funny name. It's also true that the name quest was soon postponed because one of the authors of the blog required a nap to refill strength. Names like "Norwicheando" (a name made from the union of Norwich and the spanish verb 'to walk'), "Norwichtopia" or "Aliens in Norwich" had already come to light.

It also came out names according to our provenance. We all know that the influence of the British left some funny words in the Canary Islands such as: Queque, Chinegua, Cambuyón, Guagua, Canchanchán, Cáncamo... But they didn't convince us.

After a few hours of polling, "The Norwich Experience" took shape. A title that fits a little to the requirements of the begining and also an interesting title under our judgement.

We have created this blog to provide information about life in Norwich with all that this entails. In order to understand better why we do this, let me introduce ourself: We are a couple of 25 years old. We were born in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Due to the conclusion of our studies we decided to come to Norwich, England, to improve our English and to carry on our studies in the higher education.

If you want to know us better, give a joy to the bloos (that's how green doodles are called) accessing to the "About Us" page. You can also do it by clicking here.