About us

Well, let me introduce myself: my name is Manuel Miguel Feria González. I was born in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

After high school, I decided to do Computer Science (3  years) at the University of La Laguna. After several years of hard working, at the begining of 2011 I finished my studies. Then I went to Bournemouth, England, for improving my English. From IELTS I got enough English to access English higher education.

I am currently living in Norwich, England, studying a MSc Games Development at the University of East Anglia. I hope the experience of living abroad and studying a Master, build me up. If you want to contact me for any queries, this is my email: manu_quac@hotmail.com

Hi! My name's Irene and I'm a graphic designer from Tenerife, Spain. I studied a five-year degree in Fine Arts, specializing in Design at the University of La Laguna and then I went to Barcelona to do a Master in Graphic and Editorial Design at Elisava, Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria.

Now I'm living in Norwich, England, where I'm trying to improve my English skills and to undertake new professional experiences in the graphic design field.

I am also interested in drawing, photography, jewelry, handicrafts and anything creative. If you want to see my works, this is my persnal blog: www.irenecanalis.wordpress.com