Saturday 10 September 2011

Hi everyone!

During the flight to Norwich, nothing made us happier than finding a name for the blog that we would create. A blog that would deal with the life in an unknown city. A brand new experience:
- Studying abroad.
- Working abroad.
- Living abroad.
- Living together.

For a few hours our minds were working a thousand miles per hour to sort out the problem. Finding a name with certain features is not easy and the acceptance among the candidates even less.

It had to be a name that alludes to the city, an internacional, dynamic and funny name. It's also true that the name quest was soon postponed because one of the authors of the blog required a nap to refill strength. Names like "Norwicheando" (a name made from the union of Norwich and the spanish verb 'to walk'), "Norwichtopia" or "Aliens in Norwich" had already come to light.

It also came out names according to our provenance. We all know that the influence of the British left some funny words in the Canary Islands such as: Queque, Chinegua, Cambuyón, Guagua, Canchanchán, Cáncamo... But they didn't convince us.

After a few hours of polling, "The Norwich Experience" took shape. A title that fits a little to the requirements of the begining and also an interesting title under our judgement.

We have created this blog to provide information about life in Norwich with all that this entails. In order to understand better why we do this, let me introduce ourself: We are a couple of 25 years old. We were born in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Due to the conclusion of our studies we decided to come to Norwich, England, to improve our English and to carry on our studies in the higher education.

If you want to know us better, give a joy to the bloos (that's how green doodles are called) accessing to the "About Us" page. You can also do it by clicking here.

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